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25 bytes added, 19:40, 30 June 2010
/* English */
|[[Amstrad Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner]]||Joe Pritchard||Melbourne House||1985||'''0-86161-193-4'''
|[[Amstrad Micro|Amstrad Micro Guide]]||Peter Morse and Brian Hancock||Century Communications||1985||'''-'''
|[[Amstrad Whole Memory Guide]]||Don Thomasson||Melbourne House||1985||'''0-86161-199-3'''
|[[Sixty Programs for the Amstrad CPC 464]]||Robert Erskine and Humphrey Walwyn||Pan Books||1984||'''0-330-28764-8'''
|[[Soft158: The Complete CPC 464 OS Firmware Specification]]||Bruce Godden, Locomotive Software||Amsoft||1984||0'''-'''
|[[Soft158A: DDI-1 Firmware - The Complete CPC 464 DOS ROM Specification]]||Paul Overell, Locomotive Software||Amsoft||1984||0'''-'''
|[[Soft968: CPC 464/664/6128 Firmware]]||Bruce Godden, Paul Overell, Locomotive Software, David Radisic||Amstrad||1986||0'''-'''
|[[Starting Basic]]||Sean Gray - Eddy Maddix||Glentop||1985||'''0-907792-39-1'''