Hi Nocash, Yes, that exact situation you describe, could cause a misread and in that case the AY could read a 1 instead of a 0 (or vice versa), but only at the start or end of every movement, that means, if you move the mouse across the screen, say, 200pixels, then worst case, it had 2 misreads (misreads "mid-movement" aren't possible because the bit didn't change). Even if it did misread (on the very first or last pulse), then the cursor moved 199 pixels, instead of 200 pixels, is that really a big deal? Is anyone even going to notice? I very much doubt it, and removing this tiny flaw would cost additional hardware, so it's really not worth the bother. And as I've said before, my goal is to create easy projects, that anyone can build and most importantly - don't cost very much.
Oh, and by the way, that bit on the Wiki Page about 1/300s was added by you not me ;) I never claimed that the hardware had a particular a clock rate, I just said it answers to the CPCs requests ;) You may of course edit the page if you wish.