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305 bytes removed, 11:56, 24 March 2010
/* CPC related news */
=== CPC related news ===
[[Image:Ilogical.png|thumb|right|150px|Ilogical]] [[Image:Cpc.PNG|thumb|right|150px|C.P.C.]] [[Image:Ndth screenshot.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Nanako Descends to Hell]]
*24/03/10: Program in C on a CPC: [,639.0/ PhrozenC] is out!!!
*11/07/09: New game [[Color lines]]
*17/06/09: A [[Return_of_the_Sisters|Tribute to the Sisters]] WIP has been released!
*16/06/09: [[Sewer Rat|Sewer Rat]] by Lachlan Keown has been released!
*01/06/09: New game by Mojon Twins: [ Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle]!