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Talk:Konix Speedking

103 bytes added, 15:06, 20 February 2010
--[[User:MacDeath|MacDeath]] 15:03, 20 February 2010 (UTC)Konix Speedking, I used to have this one, my favourite joy yet wasn't well suitable when the game needed an extra button/*command (such as R-Type with the Shield command...)
So :
--one button speedking : was mostly compatible with any mundane 1 button Atari controllers, so commercialised for Home computers : Atari ST, Amiga, C64, Speccy and Amstrad CPC/Plus.
--Analog : was mostly for PC. It seemed to have actually 3 buttons from what I remember on advertisements, but the 3rd button may be a thing to calibrate instead..
Concerning this model pictured :
this one is the Analogic one.
Nintendo NES model.
Also 3-4 buttons may have existed (Sega Megadrive).