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KC Compact Computer

16 bytes removed, 18:52, 28 January 2010
:* Different start-up message
:* Computer names (Schneider, Awa, Solavox etc) removed.
:* Initialisation code for the Z8536 CIO (see details below)
:* Test program transfer (see details below)
I think the KC compact has a HD6845S CRTC. This is a type 0 and is the most compatible for demos.
The Z8536 CIO *could* be used to re-program the resolution. (see Z8536 CIO description below)
== Colour-ROM ==
=== Parallel ===
On the KC compact the parallel port is connected to Port A of the Z8536 CIO.
It is a general purpose I/O port. All 8-bits can be used for input or output. The input/output of each bit can be programmed. With standard setup, bit 7 is assigned to /STROBE, and bits 0-6 are assigned to Printer DATA, making a 7-bit printer port. Additionally, the 8th printer bit is implemented via Bit5 of PIO Port C (see [[8bit Printer Ports]]).