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Default I/O Port Summary

2,588 bytes added, 14:44, 11 January 2010
Created page with 'This list shows only the internal standard I/O ports, as used in the BIOS ROM of the CPC 464/664/6128 BIOS, and in the AMSDOS ROM of the CPC 664/6128 and DDI-1. For a more comple…'
This list shows only the internal standard I/O ports, as used in the BIOS ROM of the CPC 464/664/6128 BIOS, and in the AMSDOS ROM of the CPC 664/6128 and DDI-1. For a more complete list, including all Peripherals, see the [[I/O Port Summary|Complete I/O Port Summary]].

{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
|'''I/O'''||'''Decoded as'''||'''Port'''||'''Read'''||'''Write'''
|#7FXX||%01xxxxxx xxxxxxxx||[[Gate Array]]||-||Write
|#BCXX||%x0xxxx00 xxxxxxxx||6845 [[CRTC]] Index|| - ||Write
|#BDXX||%x0xxxx01 xxxxxxxx||6845 [[CRTC]] Data Out|| - ||Write
|#BEXX||%x0xxxx10 xxxxxxxx||6845 [[CRTC]] Status (as far as supported)||Read|| -
|#BFXX||%x0xxxx11 xxxxxxxx||6845 [[CRTC]] Data In (as far as supported)||Read|| -
|#DFXX||%xx0xxxxx xxxxxxxx||[[Upper ROM Bank Number]]|| - ||Write
|#EFXX||%xxx0xxxx xxxxxxxx||[[Printer Port]]|| - ||Write
|#F4XX||%xxxx0x00 xxxxxxxx||[[8255]] PIO Port A ([[PSG]] Data)||Read||Write
|#F5XX||%xxxx0x01 xxxxxxxx||[[8255]] PIO Port B (Vsync,[[Printer Port|PrnBusy]],Tape,etc.)||Read|| -
|#F6XX||%xxxx0x10 xxxxxxxx||[[8255]] PIO Port C (KeybRow,Tape,[[PSG]] Control)|| - ||Write
|#F7XX||%xxxx0x11 xxxxxxxx||[[8255]] PIO Control-Register|| - ||Write
|#F8FF||N/A||[[Peripheral Soft Reset]] (MC_BOOT_PROGRAM and MC_START_PROGRAM do OUT [F8FF],FF)|| - ||Write
|#FA7E||%xxxxxx0x0 0xxxxxxx||Floppy Motor Control (for [[765 FDC]])|| - ||Write
|#FADC||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] Z80-SIO / DART port A Data Register||Read||Write
|#FADD||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] Z80-SIO / DART port A Control Reg.||Read||Write
|#FADE||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] Z80-SIO / DART port B Data Register||Read||Write
|#FADF||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] Z80-SIO / DART port B Control Reg.||Read||Write
|#FB7E||%xxxxxx0x1 0xxxxxx0||[[765 FDC]] (internal) Status Register||Read|| -
|#FB7F||%xxxxxx0x1 0xxxxxx1||[[765 FDC]] (internal) Data Register||Read||Write
|#FBDC||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] 8253 Timer counter 0||Read||Write
|#FBDD||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] 8253 Timer counter 1||Read||Write
|#FBDE||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] 8253 Timer counter 2||Read||Write
|#FBDF||?||[[Amstrad Serial Interface]] 8253 Timer Modus Select|| - ||Write

* The three [[765 FDC]] floppy ports are contained in CPC 664/6128/Plus and DDI-1 only.

* The [[Amstrad Serial Interface]] ports are pre-defined as shown above in the AMSDOS ROM. However, neither the CPC 664/6128/Plus nor DDI-1 do actually contain the corresponding RS232 hardware.

[[Category:Programming]] [[Category:Stub]]