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822 bytes added, 20:23, 6 January 2010
[[User:Fano|Fano]] 16:47, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
==Level graphics==
Let's continue for 2K10 !
Game screen is composed of 8*5 blocks of 4*4 chars (8*8 pixies)
Blocks are stored in memory in the same way as sprites.
Per char :
*1 byte : flag , #36 = skip
*8 bytes : pixels in 1bit
There are 16 chars so 144 bytes per block
Levels are composed of columns of 5 blocks.The index of the first level bloc is located at #C4B1 (byte).The first column is located at (#C4BC)
A column address (word) can be computed like this : (column*5) + (#C4BC)
Each byte of the column is a block number :
* bit 7 -> if set block if verticaly reversed
* bit 6 -> if set block if horizontaly reversed
* bits 0->5 block index
Using block index , it is possible to compute address (word) with this simple formula :
[[User:Fano|Fano]] 20:23, 6 January 2010 (UTC)