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Amstrad Commercials

653 bytes added, 03:22, 26 December 2009
/* CPC related */
Of course, the Amstrad CPC464 loose by far as the BBC micro was owned by the BBC... just like the channel broadcasting this programm.
It was clearly cheated with the "this old junk BBC do have more softwares than the brand new released Amstrad" argument. As this granted an awfull lot of "points" compaired to others tests the Amstrad won by far.
The Graphical capabilities was a bit cheated too. The CPC did have a better palette of 27 colours (16 for the BBC) and could display twice colours in large pixels mode.
The Fullscreen trick wasn't quite known at the time despite enabling Amstrad's CPC to really get a resolution comparable to BBC's.
[[Category:CPC History]][[Category:Video contents]]