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2 bytes removed, 19:11, 3 November 2009
== Plot ==
- The following text is not full of spelling mistakes, their aim was to imply an English country accent (possibly West Country?) 
"No one knows 'ow long they have been 'ere; even old Albert don't recall 'em comin' an' 'e reckons 'e might be over 'undred! We didn't mind when they kept themselves to themselves. I mean all we wants is a bit o' piece and an' quiet an' leave to go about our business. We're simple folk 'ere in Little Dullford and we can't be doin' with magic an' spells. I never did 'old with folk meddlin' in things best left alone. We'd see 'em o'course; in the forest pickin' toadstools an' suchlike, or p'raps one would pop into Tubby Hieke's shop for 'erbs an' stuff, but by an' large they left us normal folk alone, and that's 'ow we like it.