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Category talk:Active CPC Game Developpers

496 bytes added, 00:46, 15 October 2009
So After 1995...well...Nothing ?
But of course we are proof that CPC is still alive and well... (well, Wikipedia's english page on "Demo scene" seems to ignore CPC... we should try something there too...) Yet the goal was to make a difference within mundane CPC members (utilitaries Softwares, Demo only makers or simply Gamers-users...) and Games Makers.
Demo are cool, but games are better...Let's put sub-categories in CPC scene members...if possible... no ?
To be honest, Games are more a sign af well-being fir a computer than Demos...Because Demos are "useless" (so a must have...;-)) but games can appeal to more peoples...and last longer too.
But I admit it was a rogue try from my part, any modo can undo this if he wishes so.
On the other Hand, I edited "Mojo twins" into "Mojon twins" on some pages...But the pages seems to need an exact spelling and Typo...
"M " =/= "m " in the search engine or links...also what about plurials ?Not easy for a beginner like me (I suck at coding, really...)
But if I do it by posting in the forum, it is more time consumingand as you can see, I try to do usefull stuffs.well, sort of...
[[MacDeath]] 15 oct 2009.