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Speccy Port

597 bytes added, 13:48, 7 October 2009
Created page with 'An awfull tradition that served badly all the Z80 computers European games. Seen on [[MSX]] and of course [[Amstrad CPC]]. [[ZX Spectrum]] was very popular, But as Amstrad CPC…'
An awfull tradition that served badly all the Z80 computers European games.

Seen on [[MSX]] and of course [[Amstrad CPC]].

[[ZX Spectrum]] was very popular, But as Amstrad CPC or MSX had a good share of the market, ports on those standards were made.

To "Gain" time and money, the Speccy Codes were re-used, missing the fact that Amstrad CPC worked differently concerning Graphic capability.

As a result, many of those games used 1 bit graphics (2 colours), and were slower than their Speccy Couterparts, or even ended as [[Vaporware]].

Some were pretty decent although.

[[Category: Games]]