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124 bytes added, 01:17, 17 February 2009
Undo revision 29702 by [[Special:Contributions/Prodatron|Prodatron]] ([[User talk:Prodatron|Talk]]) Not everybody know why the IM 2 must be used. Information needed.
'''Gerelakos''' is a Role-Play-Game (under construction) for the [[CPC|CPC]]. [[Tolkin|Tolkin]] and [[TFM|TFM]] are working since 2005 on it. First Preview was presented at the XzentriX_Meeting_2006 an can be downloaded on the gerelakos homepage.
This is the story of Kane and his quest through different worlds. <br>
= Technicals =
This game uses Overscan in Mode 0. The video RAM is located in the RAM blocks &amp;0000-&amp;3FFF and &amp;C000-&amp;FFFF. Software Crossfire technology brings both screens together. One screen RAM is to be seen on the upper half of the screen, the other screen RAM is shown on the lower half of the screen. Therefore it was necessary to use the interrupt mode 2 of the Z80. The resoluton in Mode 0 is 208(x) * 288(y) using 16 colors. Beside the Overscan there is another hardware effect. Smooth hardware scrolling is used. You scroll through one screen horizontally or vertically. A 3D engine is used for Gerelakos.&nbsp;
The game engine uses two 16 KB screen RAMs, the interrupt Mode 2 and some other special features. It is developped for [[FutureOS|FutureOS]]. <br>
= Weblinks =
Gerelakos Homepage: []
Download at FutureOS homepage: [] <br>
[[Category:FutureOS]] [[Category:Games]]