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456 bytes added, 18:13, 12 January 2009
Dear Prodatron. I can accept that you see FutureOS as an opponent. But this is NO reason to introduce errors to the FutureOS article. Please ask first here at the discussion page! It is NOT ok to just change the article to un unvalid state. Again you show bad forms, please stop that! Now I ask where is Gryzor, the main Wiki Admin? When I write something, that is maybe not completely right, then he jumps up. It seems that you can do what you want here. But everybody who is able to start FutureOS sees what it can do (and what not), so just STOP to criple this article now! [[TFM|TFM]].
:Next time you insinuate something of the sort and attack me or any moderator you'll have the permanent ban you've been looking for. "Where is Gryzor"? Well, I'm here and following the changes and, up to now, Prodatron has made a pretty good case in everything he has said or done. So I'm now awaiting his reply. I show you the mirror: Ask first, then accuse. [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]]
:::Well, if you don't see the insult in this, this is mainly your problem, not mine; I'm not here to bring you up and teach you how to socialize. But it was an offense both towards me and Prodatron. You *would* like to think that banning you would prove me wrong, but such preemptive nonsens is above my tiredness threshold at this very moment so I won't argue except: go read some logic and logical fallacies, and let me worry about what casts a good light on me.
:If I get this correctly, Prodatron did not say that the hardware is not running under OS; he merele said that it's not a matter of whether it runs or not - that's a different concept from 'being supported'. You could also say that FOS supports the green and colour monitors, so what? [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] ::Think nobody (except you) sees an insult here. However, the wiser man gives in. So if you feel insulted, then I&nbsp;want to excuse me for this. If I&nbsp;would handle everything with gloves, I wouldn't be able to make something better at all. And be sure you can't teach me that much. Maybe your english is better, but I&nbsp;don't see much more. When you talk about socializing, then please keep in mind that justice and the creation of an equilibrium is the root of all socializing events. I don't want to teach you anything, but think about it if you like. About the hardware: The Green and Color monitors are supported by the CRTC, thats a part of the hardware, no special software is needed for it. But the devices supported by FutureOS need special drivers. For example the Hegetron Grafpad need drivers that ask the coordinates of the pen. The FutureOS routines ask this coordinates a<span id="fck_dom_range_temp_1231780401375_693"></span>nd and recalculate them in a way that it is possible to manager a mouse pointer example. The Grafpad can control the mouse pointer of the Desktop?/GUI and applications can access it. So Prodatron is just wrong. The same is given for the other mentioned hardware. Further it is also not ok to delete parts of the software-list just by fun. Now I&nbsp;should fell insulted. But sorry have no time for it. All mentioned programs can be downloaded, therefore I&nbsp;mention this extra now, But usuallly everybody could think that far. However, I&nbsp;should feel insulted here. But I'm not made out of glass. By the way I&nbsp;talked yesterday to my new girl-friend in New Orleans and she told me (like others before) its just a normal sentence to say "Listen to me son...". And&nbsp;I&nbsp;believe the Americans more than pdts friends, because they should know their language at its best. Ok? [[TFM|TFM]].:::So you got a new girlfriend? My sincere congratulations. Maybe now you can calm down a bit and make more sense when you write something. As for Americans knowing their language at its best, well, allow me to openly sneer at that. And please do advise your girlfriend to never use such a patronizing phrase when talking to someone outside N.O. - assuming, that is, that it's considered OK in N.O. But, really, it doesn't take so much gray matter to understand why it's insulting.[[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]]