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788 bytes added, 15:24, 30 December 2008
The truth is out.
Neither Nilquader or i are members of Futuresoft. So TFM please dont write such crap! Kangaroo 23.12.2008<br>
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<br>I think it is okay to just remove your names from the members list if you are no members of the group, but also removing informations regarding the group itself isn't that fair, in my oppinion. This was shurly caused by accidently only reverting the article than just editing it. Never mind&nbsp;:)&nbsp; The heading should be restored IMHO. - Dr.Zed &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 23.12.2008
<br>Hmm i just switched back to the original edit from before adding my (and JRs) name to the member list. If there is any information lost, i am sure - oh yes i am - tfm will do his very best to correct this. So it was not to be "unfair" or what ever. if you want to correct it.. just do it&nbsp;:-) Kanga 23.12.2008
:Fixed. Nothing serious, just the comment about software not being released should be removed; otherwise, are you serious? He added you in the team without you actually being members? &nbsp;:D &nbsp;:D &nbsp;:D [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 20:37, 23 December 2008 (UTC) <br> After a long time, while my account was blocked (don't ask for logic here...), now I'm able to respond. At the meeting in Erlangen 2008 I&nbsp;had a talk with Nilquader and he says that he is in no group on the CPC. So I&nbsp;invited him to join FutureSoft. He agreed. Kangaroo has heard that and gave a comment... However since Kangaroo had made some songs for Giana Sisters I said him, ok, you can also join the team.  Now Kangaroo has forgotten this it seems, maybe because he wants to be with Nilquader alone in the group Spring. No problem, I can accept that. But I really would like to know the opinion of Nilquader. Maybe he writes nothing here only to relax the situation. But however, Nilquader, it would be ok to give your comment here. [[TFM|TFM]].