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8 bytes removed, 09:19, 10 August 2006
/* Utilities */
== Utilities ==
Tools like copy, format, verify or refresh a disc exist. You can copy files from different discs (and partitions) to different discs (and partitions) at once.
Example: You can copy files from drive A (User 0, 90 and 240) and hard-disc partition K (user 0, 12 and 180) to on or more different target drives or hard-disc partitions.
=== Machine monitor ===
From the Desktop you can call a little machine monitor. This monitor provides features like editing of CPU registers and I/O ports, display and edit memory (or the content of the ASIC of the 6128plus). Memory blocks can be copied or initialised. It is possible to call a routine (with defined CPU registers and memory).
=== CBM – a menu system for FutureOS ===