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Programming:Cross Development

180 bytes added, 16:23, 24 June 2008
/* Linux */ Added exomizer, emulators subsection, some other changes
* [[Cpcfs|cpcfs]] / [[Cpcxfs|cpcxfs]]
* [[Dsktools|dsktools]]
* [[ManageDSK]]
=== Crunching ===
* [[Exomizer]]
=== Emulators ===
* [[Caprice]]
* [[Arnold]]
=== Needed Tools ===
*** one for create BASIC AMSDOS files from ASCII or UTF-8 text files
*** one for create ASCII or UTF-8 text files from BASIC AMSDOS files
*** (this can already be done with manageDSK for files inside a DSK, maybe extract the code from there)
** data manipulation tools :
*** ability to arrange data files for example modify bytes order in a picture file by using Gray code capabilities for changing line with modifying 1 bit
== Windows ==