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1,263 bytes added, 07:47, 9 August 2006
/* What's about respecting some rules? */
* Advertisment-like phrases (e.g. "FutureOS is for programmers who want to use the CPC at its limits" and other ones; these should be better placed on a homepage but not in a Wiki)
-- [[User:Prodatron|Prodatron]] 00:05, 9 August 2006 (CEST)
:I sense a scene fight coming on, I'm afraid... I do not wish to take any part in it, especially since I do not know anything about the common history of projects, but I hope it stays off the wiki!
I'll have to agree with some of Prodatron's remarks. The article needs heavy editing (I have altered several points myself, more is needed) so as to not appear as a commercial for FutureOS but more like an objective article. Also, at points it becomes more of a manual than an article on the OS itself.
That said, even in Symbiface there was the phrase: ''It provides nearly everything you need to change your CPC into a powerful work station!'' which is more of the same :)
To get back to Prodatron's remarks, if his points are valid the article should be corrected. If ''system .9'', as it is called in the article, indeed refers to FutureOS v9 then I also think that it should be re-written, especially since not even v8 has been released (really looking forward to it!).
In general, I would urge '''ALL''' contributors who are also developers, to try and keep their usual enthusiasm (read: ego ;) ) at a low, since we are trying to do an objective work and not promote one or the other product... Thanks! [[User:Gryzor|Gryzor]] 09:47, 9 August 2006 (CEST)