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341 bytes removed, 07:30, 9 August 2006
/* Programming environment */
== Programming environment ==
Programming for FutureOS is just like programming for Z80 very freely. You can use the routines provided by the OS and you can use the routines of FutureOS. In clear simple words your program can call the Desktop like a subroutine. An example is GMSK (or programs which use CBM). This program asks you the user to tag some source pictures. Ok, ; the program calls the Desktop. Now you are in your well known GUI. You and the user can now insert a disc, read the directory and tag all the files you want (to work with)needed. Then, when you think that you have done it, just click the OK icon and the program continues …That means, that parts of every program look equal. You can work with every program, because you work in principle with your Desktop. It’s always the same. And therefore using This achieves a new, unknown program should be very easyuniform working environment throughout all programs. But this depends also on the programmer J
== How to program for FutureOS ? ==