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CPC scene members

119 bytes added, 17:06, 20 November 2007
== Austria ==
* [[EGS]]
* [[Hexenmeister]]
== Denmark ==
* [[007]]
* [[Argon]]
== France ==
* [[Antoine]] of [[POW]]
* [[AST]] of [[Ast System]]
* [[Barbe Bleu]]
* [[Barjack]] of [[Futur's]]
* [[Beast]] of [[Rebels]] and [[Mortel]]
* [[Beb]] of [[Overlanders]]
* [[Best & Chris|Best & Chris]]
* [[C.A.C.H]]
* [[Cafe Kids Crackers]]
* [[Hydris]]
* [[Kaneda]] of [[Mortel]]
* [[Kris]]* [[Krusty]] of [[Benediction]]
* [[Le Fay]]
* [[Longshot]] of [[Logon System]]
* [[TB Crackers]]
* [[Tenebros]] of [[GPA]]
* [[Tom & Jerry|Tom & Jerry]] of [[GPA]]
* [[Toms]] of [[Another World]]
* [[Tony]] of [[Futur's]]
== Germany ==
* [[Ablaze]]
* [[ACS]]
* [[Schlumpf]]
* [[Section 8]]
* [[Section Jaguar]]
* [[Shining]]
* [[Siggi]]
== Greece ==
* [[Antitec]]
* [[Camel]]
* [[Rex]]
* [[Sotsoft/HCV]]
* [[VoXfReaX (x-Odium)|voXfReaX (x-Odium)]]
* [[KSL]]
== Spain ==
* [[ACE]]
* [[Antifaz & The Dog|Antifaz & The Dog]]
* [[CNGSoft]]
* [[KaosOverride]]
* [[Kino & Hufo|Kino & Hufo]]
* [[Steel McKrakken]]
* [[The Spanish Hacker]]
== Switzerland ==
* [[Asterix]]
* [[Flynn]]
== Other countries ==
 * [[Damir PetkovićPetković]] (Croatia)
* [[Factor6]] (Czech Republic)
* [[Freaksoft Ltd.]] (Netherlands)
* [[TIC]] (Ireland)
 [[Category:CPC scene members|*CPC_scene_members]]