,/* English */
|[[Sensational Games for the Amstrad CPC464]]||Jim Gregory||Collins||1984||0-00-383121-3
|[[Structured Programming on the Amstrad Computers CPC464,664 and 6128]]||Stephen Raven||Micro Press||||0-7447-0034-5
|[[Subroutines for the Amstrad CPC 464 & 664]]||A.P. & D.J. Stephenson||Argus Books||||0-85242-855-3
|[[The working Amstrad - A library of practical subroutines and programs|The Working Amstrad]]||David Lawrence & Simon Lane||Sunshine||1985||0-946408-60-2
|[[Understanding and Expanding your Amstrad CPC464-664/6128]]||Alan Trevenor||Sigma Press||1986||1-85058-018-9
|[[Using Amstrad CP/M Business Software]]||Ian Sinclair||Collins||1984||0-00-383359-3