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KC Compact Computer

76 bytes added, 16:57, 13 March 2007
== 8255 PIO Port B Input ==
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}
KCC Side:
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}|''Synchronisation stage (Data transfer begin) ''||''/STROBE must read as "1"!!wait for DATA1 to change from "1"to "0".''|-|Synchronisation Acknowledge stage ||write 0x0f: DATA2="1",DATA7="0".''|-|Data transfer stage (repeat for 256 bytes) ||Data byte transfer ||repeat 8 times (once for each data bit) * write 0x0ff: DATA2="1",DATA7="1", and wait for /STROBE to read as "1"* read inputs: DATA1=data bit|-|||Data byte acknowledge stage ||write: 0x0f0: DATA2="0", DATA7="1", and wait for /STROBE to read as "1"|-|}
* /STROBE and DATA1 are inputs