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KC Compact Computer

1,515 bytes removed, 16:12, 13 March 2007
* /STROBE and DATA1 are inputs
* DATA2 and DATA7 are outputs
== Software differences ==
The base system has 32k of
* Locomotive BASIC v1.1 rom (identical to BASIC rom in English CPC6128) (16k)
* A modified operating system rom from an English CPC6128 (16k)
* Differences are:
:* Different start-up message
:* Computer names (Schneider, Awa, Solavox etc) removed.
:* Initialisation code for the Z8536 CIO (see details below)
:* Test program transfer (see details below)
I believe most software will run, but I have not been able to test this, but programs that use the following may be broken:
* Programs that rely on exact Interrupt mechanism of the CPC6128
* Programs that call direct into the operating system rom (these may work, because the changes to the operating system rom are minor)
* Programs that rely on a unofficial hardware feature (I do not know of all hardware details, so I cannot say the level of compatibility)
== Hardware differences ==
* The colour palette is not cleared to black on reset
* The Amstrad unofficial mode (bit 1=bit 0=1 of Gate Array mode register) does not exist, black is output.
This section describes the known hardware differences. This information is not definitive. I do not know all differences,
The KC compact uses a U880 CPU which is a Russian clone of the Z80. Are there any differences compared to a real Z80?
== Video ==
I think the KC compact has a HD6845S CRTC. This is a type 0 and is the most compatible for demos.
The Z8536 *could* be used to re-program the resolution. (see Z8536 description below)
== Connecting a KC compact to a CPC+ monitor ==