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KC Compact Computer

121 bytes added, 11:46, 13 March 2007
* Differences are:
- :* Different start-up message- :* Computer names (Schneider, Awa, Solavox etc) removed.- :* Initialisation code for the Z8536 CIO (see details below)- :* Test program transfer (see details below)
I believe most software will run, but I have not been able to test this, but programs that use the following may be broken:
The KC compact has a colour-rom. Each byte in the ROM defines the R,G and B of an output colour.
{|{{Prettytable|width: 700px; font-size: 2em;}}|''Bit ''||''Function''|-|7 ||not used''|-|6 ||not used''|-|5 ||Green''|-|4||''|-|3 ||Red''|-|2||''|-|1 ||Blue''|-|0||''|-|}
The hardware colour index (defined by the I/O write: A15="0", A14="1", D7="0", D6="1" D3-D0 define hardware colour index), is used as a look-up into the ROM.