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Programming:Catalog a disc and retrieve a directory

3,047 bytes added, 22:48, 12 March 2007
;; This example shows how to perform a directory of a disc
;; and extract the filenames.
;; This code is public domain and can freely be used in your
;; own programs.
;; Written by Kevin Thacker. 2002


;; firmware function to catalog a disc or cassette
.cas_catalog equ &bc9b
;; firmware function to disable text output
.txt_vdu_enable equ &bb54
;; firmware function to enable text output
.txt_vdu_disable equ &bb57
;; firmware function to output a character to the screen
.txt_output equ &bb5a
;; firmware function to find a RSX
.kl_find_command equ &bcd4


org &8000

;; find BIOS SET MESSAGE command
;; this is used to disable disc messages.
;; this is compatible with other DOSs that also provide this command

ld hl,cmd_bios_set_message
call kl_find_command
ret nc ;; if carry flag is clear, then command has not been found

;; command found

;; store address of command
ld (bios_set_message),hl
ld a,c
;; store "rom select" of command
ld (bios_set_message+2),a


;; do CAT
call fetch_directory

;; display files
call display_directory

;; display files from data generated by CAS CATALOG function


ld hl,two_k_buffer

;; if marker is not &ff, then end of filename listing found
;; otherwise continue
ld a,(hl)
cp &ff
ret nz
inc hl

;; display name part of filename
ld b,8
ld a,(hl)
and &7f
inc hl
call txt_output
djnz dd2

;; display seperation dot
ld a,"."
call txt_output

;; display extension part of filename
ld b,3
ld a,(hl)
and &7f
inc hl
call txt_output
djnz dd3

;; skip file size in K
inc hl
inc hl

;; new line
ld a,10
call txt_output
ld a,13
call txt_output

jp dd

;; perform a CAT command

;; disable disc messages. Error messages will not be displayed.
ld a,&ff
rst 3 ;; KL FAR CALL
defw bios_set_message

;; disable text output
call txt_vdu_disable

ld de,two_k_buffer

;; initialise in case of an error
xor a
ld (de),a

;; do catalog
call cas_catalog

;; enable text output
call txt_vdu_enable

;; enable disc messages. Error messages will be displayed
ld a,0
rst 3 ;; KL FAR CALL
defw bios_set_message


;; this is initialised when the "BIOS SET MESSAGE" RSX has been found.
defw 0 ;; address of function
defb 0 ;; "rom select" for function

defb 1+&80 ;; this is the "BIOS SET MESSAGE" RSX


;; used by CAS CATALOG function to store list of files in directory
.two_k_buffer equ $