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5 bytes added, 23 October
/* Game Launchers for mass-storage CPCs */
*[ RulezCharge] Online service that is free of charge. To be used on M4 Board or CPC Booster. Note: "Charge" means "Load" in french, as in download. It does not mean charging money
*[ Amstrad M4] Navigation and execution of programs and games from a mobile Android device to an Amstrad CPC equipped with an M4 Board
*[ LiliCPC] [] Collection Huge collection of games launchable by code (using a PDF) to be used on CPC with an USIfAC or M4 Board
*[ UniLoad] CPC Launcher with 1000+ programs included to be used on CPC with any mass-storage expansion (M4 Board, X-Mass, Symbiface, Albireo, USIfAC, etc...)