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3 bytes removed, 23 October
/* Amstrad Plus */
*[ Delirium Tremens] [ Delirium Tremens running on real hardware] [ Bulles] [ Funerapolis] [ X-mas 2008] [ USS Cygnus 192] To test hardware sprites
*[ 6128 Plus DMA] [ Fairy] [ Soundtracker DMA] To test DMA sound
*[ CRTC3] To test memory RAM expansion compatibility with ASIC [ Source]
*[ Arnoldemu] [ T&J] [ Sylvestre] [ Longshot] [] [ Offset] [] [[Plus Vectored Interrupt Bug]] Plus hardware bugs documented
*[ L'Aigle d'Or le Retour] [ Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy] [ Kick Boxing Gold] [ D.Day] [ Striker in the Crypts of Trogan] [ Prehistorik II] [ CPC Demos with Plus features] To test Amstrad Plus enhancement of CPC software