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554 bytes added, 00:41, 29 September 2024
[[|]] (Version 2.19 EPROM Image)
== Recent ROM Updates ==
The following releases are not official, written by [[User:Cormacj|Cormacj]]. The work is tracked here [ on GitHub] and bug reports and feature requests can be made there.
They do include bugfixes, and for V2.22, an improvement that makes it easier to temporarily disable the ROM if needed.
[[|]] (Version 2.20 EPROM Image - not official - see README)
[[|]] (Version 2.21 EPROM Image - not official - see README)
[[|]] (Version 2.22 EPROM Image - not official - see README)
== Disc ==
[[Media:RODOS_Manual.pdf|RODOS Manual]] (pdf)
[[Media:RODOS_Manual_v2.22.pdf|RODOS Manual OCR'd and updated]] (pdf by [[User:Cormacj|Cormacj]] )
[[Category:Disc Operating_System]] [[Category:Expansion_ROM]] [[Category:Manual]]