Opcodes in bold are illegal. Opcodes in red are unstable.
* SHY abs,X and SHX abs,Y (opcodes 9C, 9E) are broken versions of STY abs,X and STX abs,Y
* SHA (zpg),Y and SHA abs,Y (opcodes 93, 9F) are broken versions of SAX (zpg),Y and SAX abs,Y
* NOP zpg,X (opcodes D4, F4) are broken versions of CPY zpg,X and CPX zpg,X
* NOP abs,X (opcodes DC, FC) are broken versions of CPY abs,X and CPX abs,X
* NOP # (opcodes 80, 82, 89, C2, E2) are the useless instructions STY #, STX #, STA #, DEC #, INC #