" After the CPC464. Never standing still, Amstrad went to work on two new machines: the
PCW8256 word processor and a new computer which was described
with a floppy disk drive in place of the cassette tape deck. "
(Neil Reive)
Richard Clayton. July 2003
Vik Olliver
nov. 2019
The CPC that never was.
Richard Clayton and Roland Perry reveal details on the computer that never made it to market.
(RetroGamer28) Dec 2017
So why was it shelved? “That was partly our fault in that we were somewhat behind with Locoscript and so had not done very much coding for the ANT,” says Richard. “Amstrad then decided it did not make sense any more, with 16-bit machines becoming more important.”
Finally, in April 1985, the [[Atari ST]] appeared with similar features to the ANT but with a 68000 CPU instead of an accelerated Z80.