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37 bytes removed, 8 May
/* Memory-Map */
=== Memory-Map ===
* &0000-&0AFF: Program Code of the CBM framework. You can use the REStarts 1-7. However, RST 0 is a the cold boot for 'FutureTex' itself.
* &0B00-&28FF: Program Code of FutureTex
* &2900-&377F: Free space for future expansions, parts get used as buffer though!
* &3800-&3FFF: Character set for all current 256 characters
* &4000-&85FF: Tables and texts for all supported languages
* &8600-&8F7F95FF: Routines which must be located between &8000 and &9FFF* &8F809600-&9FFF: More space for future expansions
* &A000-&B7FF: System buffers of FutureOS. If you want to use it, take a look at the manual. FutureTex could go up to &AFFF and use the space between &B000 and &B7FF for temporary buffers.