/* Copy-protection */
== Copy-protection ==
*[ FDC test suite] [ Disk drive tests] [ CDT/TZX test suite for emulators] Set of tests by arnoldemu
*[ Tape Head Azimuth] [ Ultra Son] [ Soft-Lok] [ Bonzo Super Meddler] [ SpeedTrans] [ Transformateur] [ Deconnect] [ Peur sur AmityvilleNoAMSDOS NoAMSDOS software list] [ Computer Hits] [ Marmelade] [ Mickey Mouse] [ Astro Marine Corps] [ Druid] [ Breaking Baud] To test Tape emulation
*[ FatMag 2] [ Backtro] [ 5KB 3] [ The Demo] [ CPC 30th Anniversary] [ Midline Process] [ Can Robots Take Control] [ Phortem] [ Batman Forever] [ Pinball Dreams] [ R-Type] [ Nheredia] [ Doomsday Lost Echoes] [ Orion Prime] Musical loader, Multi-drives, 3.5 inch (dual-head and 80 tracks) floppy drives support
*[ RPM] [ DskTest] [ Crazy] [ Dlfrsilver Dump Tool Test Suite] [ Format II] [[ParaDOS]] [ Xexor] [ Discology] [ Hercule II] [ UltraDisc] [ Disc'o'Magic] [ Multi Mark] To test FDC emulation