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56 bytes added, 03:14, 20 December 2023
/* Software-related */
*[ ESPsoft (ES)] Blog on Spanish homebrews for the CPC.
*[ TheMojonTwins (ES)] Homebrew developer group that focuses on creating games for retro systems, among which is the CPC.
*[] Homebrew studio that focuses on creating games for retro systems, among which is the CPC.
*[ 4MHz (ES)] Homebrew developer group that focuses on creating games for retro systems that use the Z80 CPU.
*[ Prodatron's page] ([[Prodatron|Prodatrons]] homepage includes info and downloads of his productions as well as a lot of downloads for CPC Digitracker modules (MDL), OCP Art Studio pictures and Scene demos)
*[ SymbOS] Official homepage of the operating system [[SymbOS]]
*[ FutureOS homepage] - Official homepage of the operating system [[FutureOS|FutureOS]] for the CPC6128 and CPCPlus.*[ CPC Freak] Homepage of Kevin Thacker's CPC productions
*[ CPC Mania] - some tools like CPR tools, CPCDiskXP, CPCTapeXP - plus some technical informations
*[] - some analysis of Firmware and BASIC logic (and also the video subsystem- hardware)
*[ Domes-DOS Schneider/Amstrad CPC dedication] - Domes-DOS's CPC website in the design of an GT65 green monitor (with download of his DART-logging tool and lots of infos about the CPC series)*[ Rétro Poke (FR)] Programming blog mostly about RSX and BASIC*[ Sikorama (FR)] CPC programming blog