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Converted GX4000 Software

56 bytes added, 05:24, 8 February 2023
/* D */
||[[Dan Dare II - Mekons Revenge]]|| 1987 || Virgin Games ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2=Pause/Unpause, Pause button = Quit game<br/>Bugs Fixed || [[Media:Dan Dare II - Mekons Revenge.rar| Dan Dare II - Mekons Revenge.rar]]
||[[Dan Dare III - The Escape*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1990 || Virgin Games ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>Use Joypad 2 for ingame shop || [[Media:Dan Dare III - The Escape.rar | Dan Dare III - The Escape.rar]]
||[[Dark Fusion]]|| 1988 || Gremlin Graphics ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>Trainer: J1B1 = Yes, J1B2 = No, J1UP = Stage 1, J1LT = Stage 2, J1RT = Stage 3, J1DN = Stage 4<br/>J1B2 = Select weapon, J2B1 = Quit game.<br/ > CHEAT: On main screen, press J1B2, a sound will ring. While playing : J2UP = Part 2 of the current level, J2LT = Part 3 of the current level, J2RT = End of level, J2DN = Get 8 lives (If displayed after your death).|| [[Media:Dark Fusion.rar | Dark Fusion.rar]]
||[[Death Stalker]]||1988||Codemasters||No||No||Converted by Phantomz<br /> Trainer : J1B1 = Cheat, J1B2 = Normal Game. Game : J2B1 = Turn Music On/Off, J2B2 = Pause/unpause, Pause button = Quit Game 2 versions included : one using UP on the D-pad for up, the other using J1B2 to do so.||[[Media:Death Stalker.rar|Death Stalker.rar]]
||[[Death Wish 3*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1987 || Gremlin Graphics ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2 = Enter Doors/Look out of Windows/Return to Room, J1B2 = Change Weapon<br/>J2B2 = Change Map (Blue=Weapon, Yellow=Gang Leader), Pause button = Pause<br/>J1B2+Pause button = Quit game|| [[Media:Death Wish 3.rar | Death Wish 3.rar]]
||[[Defend Or Die]]|| 1985 || Alligata ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2 = Bombs, J2B1 = Hyperspace, J2B2 = Pause/Unpause, Pause button = Quit game || [[Media:Defend Or Die.rar | Defend Or Die.rar]]
||[[Dragon's Lair 2 - Escape From Singe's Castle]]|| 1987 || Software Projects ||No||No|| Converted by dragon || [[Media:Dragon's Lair 2 - Escape From Singe's Castle.rar| Dragon's Lair 2 - Escape From Singe's Castle.rar]]
||[[Druid*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1986 || Firebird ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br/>J1B2 = Cycle the missile spells, J2UP = Key, J2LT = Invisibility, J2RT = Golem, J2DN = Chaos, J2B1 = Command the Golem to wait or follow the druid and send the golem in the direction the druid is facing, Pause button = Pause/unpause || [[Media:Druid.rar| Druid.rar]]
||[[Duct (The)]]|| 1986 || Gremlin Graphics ||No||No|| Converted by CraigsBar<br /> || [[Media:Duct_(The).rar | Duct (The).rar]]
||[[Duet]]|| 1986 || Elite Systems ||No||No|| Converted by Phantomz<br />J1B2 = Pause/Unpause, Pause button = Quit current game and skip the highscore table.|| [[Media:Duet.rar | Duet.rar]]
||[[Dustin*]]<sup>(a)</sup>|| 1986 || Dinamic ||No|| No || Converted by dragon<br />Needs Joypad 2 for Drop & Abort || [[Media:Dustin.rar | Dustin.rar]]
||[[Dynamite Dux]]|| 1989 || Activision ||No|| No || Converted by Phantomz<br />J1B2 = Jump, J2B1 = Quit game, Pause button = Pause/unpause || [[Media:Dynamite Dux.rar | Dynamite Dux.rar]]