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2,069 bytes added, 23:49, 3 December 2022
Put in more information around the current gotek devices and how best to connect them.
The firmware supports multiple computers and their disk image formats.
Once As of today the firmware has been can be installed via a special USB cable into a Gotek and it can be updated through the USB memory stick. To best attach the Gotek to any CPC, use the following FF.cfg setting: # Floppy-drive interface mode interface = shugart # Host platform host = unspecified # Pins 2 & 34 output (drive->host) manual configuration pin02 = high pin34 = rdy # Rotational offset of disk after a track change track-change = realtime # Rotational offset of disk after draining a write to Flash write-drain = realtime # Index pulses suppressed when RDATA and WDATA inactive? index-suppression = yes # Milliseconds from head-step start to RDATA active. head-settle-ms = 12 # Milliseconds delay from motor-on to drive ready. motor-delay = 200  The rest of the settings can be used to your liking as they depend on preference and not on hardware emulation. The best Gotek to buy currently (12/22) is the Model SFRKC30.AT4.35.This model features a Artery AT32F435 APU and as well a motor jumper. This completes the emulation as it simulates the motor spinup time.You should get one with Rotary encoder and with 128x64 oled display. The first firmware with correct support for RDATA line release is 3.38 or 4.7 (both to be released as of now). Firmware 3.37 and 4.6a have a bug that prevents it to work correctly. The older Gotek models such as SFR1M44-U100K, SFRM72-U100 or SFRC922D. For more details on which models to use and which to avoide, see here:[] To connect the gotek to the CPC, you can directly connect it to the DDI-1 cable connector (you would need to cut off the noses on the bottom of the cable). It can work both as A drive (no 3" drive required) or as drive B. It can even work as a 3.5" or 5.25" drive for example with parados or VDOS. Please be aware that you cannot use an unmodified DDI-1 together with the Gotek without a normal 3" FD-1 drive. That is because the FD-1 delivers the 5V power to the DDI-1 and without it, it simply does not get any power to run.  There is no cablemode required - neither for the CPC464 nor for 664/6128 external disk connector.