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10 bytes removed, 06:32, 2 August 2022
HDCPM is compatible with Dobbertin HD20 Harddisc and can be used together.<br />
HDCPM has been developed with [[WinApe]]* Z80 Assembler and was tested with [[WinApe]], [[CPCemu]]*, an Amstrad Plus 464 upgraded to 6128 and an Amstrad CPC 6128.<br />
Although every effort has been made to ensure that HDCPM works properly, there is a chance of hard disk data corruption in case of a stray bug in the code. So make a backup of your hard disk before installing and trying out the ROM. I'll not be held responsible for any data loss or damage to your hard disk.<br />
* Amstrad CPC/Plus computer capable of running CP/M Plus.
* ROM box or other ROM expansion hardware if using the ROM.
* Optionaly a FAT aware DOS like M4 ROM, USIfAC ROM, [[UniDOS]]*, ['s-with-xmass/ CubeMDOS]* etc if using the binary.
* One of the following mass storage interfaces:
** [[SYMBiFACE II]]*** [[X-Mass]]*** [[uIDE 16]]* (base address = &FEF0)** [[M4 Board]]*
** [!/ USIfAC II]*
** [ Symbiface III]*
* and a compatible storage device with enough free space to accommodate the desirable CP/M hard disk configuration.
* Floppy disk drive for initialization of the file system.
A CP/M Plus disk image file is a raw binary image of a CP/M hard disk or partition. Its name must be in the form CPMDSK0x.IMG where x=1, 2, 3 or 4 in order to be recognized by HDCPM. The size of the file depends on the Disk Parameter Block of the virtual hard disk it represents and for the initial release of HDCPM it is fixed and equal to 1 reserved track * 256 sectors per track * 512 bytes per sector + 8MB data = 8519680 bytes. If possible create your CPMDSK01.IMG file in a modern computer and copy it in the root directory of your FAT formatted medium. You can use the free online hex editor [] or any hex editor capable of creating binary files filled with a specific pattern.<br />
In case of select 'New file' fill in 'Size of the new file = 8519680' and 'Fill Pattern = 0xE5' and press apply. Save the file as CPMDSK01.IMG If you have a FAT capable DOS installed in your AMSTRAD you can use the provided MAKEIMG.BAS utility to create your image file. Keep in mind that it takes more than 1.5 hour for a 8MB image file to be created that way.<br />
CP/M disk image files can be accessed by a modern computer with [ cpmtools]*. Use the command |HDDEF to see the record you must insert in the diskdefs file.<br />
The HDCPM record for diskdefs is: