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3,270 bytes added, 13:29, 1 August 2022
====CP/M Plus disk/partitions====
You can also create one or more partitions in order to format them to CP/M file system and use them exclusively for CP/M. In such case you must make sure that the size of the partition is big enough to accommodate your file system.<br />
HDCPM examines the hard disk's MBR upon start and finds the partition information. Then it finds the LBA of the first sector of each partition and passes it to the CP/M hard disk driver. The CP/M hard disk driver doesn't know anything about partitions. It accesses the partition as if it was a real hard disk.<br />
HDCPM can't be used to partition your hard disk. In order to create partitions you must connect the hard disk to a modern computer and use its partitioning utility.<br />
Use the command |HDDEF to find the exact length of the file system/partition. When you have created the partition use the HDMGR.COM utility in order to format it.<br />
This configuration is only to be used with Symbiface II or uIDE-16. USB flash disks and SD cards should not be partitioned as they will not be detected by their interface ROM.<br />
<br />
Using the ROM:<br />
* Install the HDCPM ROM in a free ROM slot of your ROM box.
* Plug in your Symbiface II compatible IDE interface, uIDE-16, M4 board or USIfAC II and attach the proper mass storage device.
* Power on your Amstrad. You should see the ROM initialization message: 'CP/M+ Hard Disk boot loader v1.04 (S2)'.<br />
The type of interface found will be show inside the parentheses:<br />
** (S2): Symbiface II compatible interface
** (uI): uIDE-16 interface
** (M4): M4 Board
** (US): USIfAC II
** (S3): Symbiface III<br />
In case a RTC is detected you will also see the RTC initialization message and the current date and time: 'RTC found: 2021/01/01 12:01'
* Use your original CP/M Plus system disk set to Boot CP/M Plus.
* Use the provided HDMGR.COM utility in order to format the disk image or partition and transfer the .EMS file to the reserved track. Change the start-up drive letter to that of your first CP/M hard disk.
* Reset your AMSTRAD and boot CP/M from the hard disk with the command |HDCPM. The Boot loader will check your image file(s) against fragmentation and correct size and boot the system to the CP/M command prompt. If the first image file is fragmented or has the wrong length the system will not boot. All other image files will be ignored if found to be fragmented or have the wrong length.
* In case you don't use CP/M image files just boot the system with |HDCPM or |HDCPMT
* Copy the files from your CP/M system floppy disks to the first hard disk.
* Copy any other needed application etc. to your CP/M hard disk(s).
* You are ready to go.<br />
<br />
Using the binary:<br />
* Plug in your Symbiface II compatible IDE interface, uIDE-16, M4 board or USIfAC II and attach the proper mass storage device.
* Use your original CP/M Plus system disk set to Boot CP/M Plus.
* Use the provided HDMGR.COM utility in order to format the disk image or partition and transfer the .EMS file to the reserved track. Change the start-up drive letter to that of your first CP/M hard disk.
* Reset your AMSTRAD and insert the HDCPM floppy disk. If using a FAT aware DOS you can copy HDCPM.BIN to your mass storage device.
* You are ready to go.<br />
<br />
====ROM commands====
====The HDCPM binary file====