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Mainboard Versions

475 bytes added, 13:26, 20 March 2022
/* CPC464 Prototype */ Added Z70100 prototype board and Gate array simulator board. Pictures courtesy of Jorge Selfa.
|[[File:GA motherboard.JPG|200px]] || || '''Board: Prototype with Gate Array Simulator''' ([[CPC Prototypes|more pictures]])<br>The Gate Array Simulator board (mounted on top of the mainboard, and almost having the same size as the mainboard) contains four 8K EPROMs, and a Gate Array prototype made of several logic chips.<br>In later versions these evolved into a normal 28pin 32K ROM chip, and the custom 40pin Gate Array chip.
|[[File:CPC464_Prototype_Z70100_PCB_Top.jpg|200px]] || [[File:CPC464_Prototype_Z70100_PCB_Bottom.jpg|200px]] || '''Board: PT NO Z70100 Prototype'''<br>Board found along the Gate Array simulator on the "Grey Amstrad" prototype machine.<br>Pictures courtesy of Jorge Selfa.
|[[File:GateArraySimulator_13006-7_PCB_Top.jpg|200px]] || [[File:GateArraySimulator_13006-7_PCB_Bottom.jpg|200px]] || '''Board: Gate Array Simulator 13006/7'''<br>Pictures courtesy of Jorge Selfa.