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Mimo's Quest

237 bytes added, 15:05, 5 March 2022
Mimo's Quest is written by Chris Perver in Z80 assembly using the WinAPE CPC emulator as an assembler. The game is currently in an unfinished state, awaiting the development of a proper story line, quests and sound effects, though the game world itself and quest and inventory management system is functioning properly. The game is made in the style of Zelda, with lands to explore, characters to talk to, quests to fulfil and items to collect. The author also drew inspiration for the game world from reading of the Oliver Twins and their efforts to create a pseudorandomly generated world game called Excalibar.
The source code for Mimo's Quest has been made available on the author's website ( for those who wish to learn Z80 programming on the Amstrad or see how a game is written. A disk version is currently available to download, and a tape version with inlay card will follow once the game is complete. A cartridge version for plus machines is also currently under development. == Loading the game == Type RUN"MIMO to load the game. The loader will detect whether there is 64k or 128k of RAM available and load the corresponding version.
== Keys ==