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CWTA Issue 37 - January 1988 - Type-Ins

1,264 bytes added, 16:42, 24 July 2020
Created page with "The following listings were published in the January 1988 issue of ''[[Computing_with_the_Amstrad]]'': === Type-Ins === * Biomorphs (Christian J Pinder) * Swapper (Andrew Ma..."
The following listings were published in the January 1988 issue of ''[[Computing_with_the_Amstrad]]'':

=== Type-Ins ===

* Biomorphs (Christian J Pinder)
* Swapper (Andrew MacPhee)
* Grand Piano (David Bozon)
* Scrolling Scenery (Andrew Wyatt)
* Sing Alonga CPC (Jessica O'Donovan)
* Highlighter (Brendan Newbanks)
* Save Santa! (Tiffany Wood)
* Solisquare (Willie Lawrie)
* Pattern Fill (Ian C Sharpe)

== Notes ==

* All files originally created by Nich Campbell. Pattern Fill originally has an error with a missing RETURN on line 450 but this is corrected in the version here.
* The postbag had a listing to improve Basic Nobbling by Darren Hughes from Nov 87 issue, replacing asterisks with small horse sprites.

== Download ==

* [[|DSK file]]

== Screenshots ==

<center><gallery style="clear: both">
Image:Grand37.png|<center>Grand Piano</center>
Image:Scenery37.gif|<center>Scrolling Scenery</center>
Image:SaveSanta37.png|<center>Save Santa!</center>

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[[Category:Computing With The Amstrad Type-Ins]]