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ROM List

184 bytes added, 15:58, 17 July 2019
/* Hardware Dependent ROMs */
||[[KDS_Electronics_Serial_Interface|K.D.S Serial Interface & Comms Pack 5 v5.0]]||19xx||[[KDS|K.D.S. Electronics]]||||1||-|| [[Media:KDSCOM50.ZIP|KDS Serial ROM v5.0]]
||[[LambdaSpeak III ROM]]||2019||[[FutureSoft]]||Lot's of RSX commands for the LambdaSpeak III expansion.||1||-|| [[ LambdaSpeak III RSX ROM]]
||[[Ramcard_128|Madram/Overlanders]]||2004||Gerey Yves||Dams Assembler/Debugger and Burn software for RamCard||1||-|| [[‎|Overlanders ROM]]
||[[MegaFlashROManager|MegaFlashROManager]]||2011 - 2012||[[FutureSoft|FutureSoft]]||Management software for [[User:Bryce|Bryce's]] [[MegaFlash]]; similar to the ROManager||2||-||[ MegaFlashROManager]
||[[Mirage_Imager|Mirage Imager V2]]||?||Mirage Computers Ltd.||||1||-|| [[|Mirage Image V2 ROM]]