,added game "frogger eterno"
'''Main features:'''
* 32 sprites with clipping, overwrite, ordering (4 order types) and collision detection (mode 0 and mode 1)
* 4 modes of sprites sorting, based on Ymax or Ymin, partial or complete
* sprite/image flipping (mode 0 and mode 1)
* animation sequences, and macrosequencesmacro-sequences. Any sprite can change automatically its animation sequence depending on its parameters Vy,Vx
* multi-directional scroll (based in command MAP2SP)
* allows in-game music based on WYZtracker tool (commands MUSIC and MUSICOFF)
* 3D Racing one ( 3D racing game)
* Space Phantom ( a "space harrier" style game)
* Frogger Eterno ( a classic "frogger" version in 8BP)
[[Category:Programming]] [[Category:BASIC]] [[Category:Software]] [[Category:Programming software]]