/* To access files on the uIDE image */
Use the '''cpmtools''' executables that are in the downloaded zip file. Copy the uide.img file to the cpmtools directory and try the following:
C:/Users/JonB/uIDE/cpmtools>cpmls -f uIDE0 -duide.img
Lists all files on drive 0 (first CP/M partition on the image). To see the other partitions, substitute uIDE0 with uIDE1, uIDE2, uIDE3 and so on. A uIDE disk image has 16 partitions (although remember, under Amstrad CP/M, only the first six are accessible).
C:/Users/JonB/uIDE/cpmtools>cpmcp -f uIDE0 uide.img 0:pcwexpan.txt pcwexpan.txt
Copies the file pcwexpan.txt on drive zero, user zero in the uide.img file to the current directory.
C:/Users/JonB/uIDE/cpmtools>cpmcp -f uIDE2 uide.img
Copies the CP/M program MORE.COM from the current directory to drive 2, user 3 of the uide.img image file.