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The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator

517 bytes added, 17:47, 15 September 2016
[[Image:419px-The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator(Interface Publications) Front Coverbook.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Frontpage]]
== Information ==
* Title {|{{Prettytable|width: The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator700px; font-size: 2em;}}
* |Title:|| '''The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator'''|-|Authors : || Clive Gifford|-|Publisher:|| [[Interface Publications]]|-|Year:|| 1985|-|Pages:|| 64|-|ISBN:|| ISBN 0-907563-70-8|-|}
* Publiser : Interface Publications== Covers ==
* Year : 1985<gallery caption="The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator">
* Pages Image: 64The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator (Interface Publications) Back Coverbook.jpg|Back CoverImage:The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator (Interface Publications) Left Coverbook.jpg|Left Cover* ISBN Image: '''0-907563-70-8'''The Amstrad Pentacle Adventure Creator (Interface Publications) Front Coverbook.jpg|Front Cover
== Contents ==
 1. Foreword - Tim Hartnell.2. Pentacle program listing.3. Pentacle instructions.4. Castle of Doom ( medieval ).5. The search for speck ( graphical ).6. Leaked! ( political ).7. Creating your own.8. 50 dynamic games. 
[[Category:Books]] [[Category:Book cover]]