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73 bytes removed, 22:23, 13 October 2018
/* Unfinished projects */ typo, clean-up
== Unfinished projects ==
*[[Asic Inside|Asic Inside]]: a CPC+ demo, wich which will be finished... soon... maybe...
*[[Aventury|Aventury]] (cancelled, some preview where released within the Aventury Reliques Pack #1)
*[[ANA|ANA]] operating system (prototyping only, discontinued).
*[[Stormlord Plus|Stormlord Plus]]: a remake of the game stormlord for CPC+... finished but never published.
*[[De retour des Ténèbres|De retour des Ténèbres]]: this game might be published one day or another... maybe... perhaps... who knows. :)
*[[Mélodie|Mélodie]]: this project is a real sound card for cpc, with high-quality real time sampling and replaying (this project was cancelled before the final release).
== Members ==