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55 bytes added, 18:28, 13 September 2018
/* GA: Moustache testbench */
==== GA: Moustache testbench ====
A homemade Testbench done firstly for helping Sorgelig to calibrate it's port of FPGAmstrad into MiSTer. But as Sorgelig core does run finer than mine (Pinball Dreams did pass !), I do then take back the good behavior using this testbench, resulting r005.8.16.1
It's a stress testbench around VSYNC/HSYNC/interrupt.
If the cat doesn't catch the line, this testbench does fail (that's a small palette testbench). First array is about VSYNC length comparable between a real CPC and an emulator. Second array is about interrupt length. Stress is done by inserting NOP, NOPNOP, NOPNOPNOP or else NOPNOPNOPNOP instruction before each measure.