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Asterix and the Magic Carpet

4 bytes added, 23:52, 26 April 2018
tips to finish the game.
2)The bard variable( &7531/7532):This variable controls if in the india the medics can fixed de bard(>0).Or you fail the game.To up this variable,when you are fly tell obelix im hangry, so he move the carpet(can be saved by Ahíva if he have >0). The game decrements it playing....
3)The Ahiva variable(&7521/7522) :This variable controls in india if ahiva can win the fight.If is 0 you lost and return home. This variable can be up if when you are flying in the carpet press pressing option 1 in asterix.(alabe Ahiva). The game decrements it playing....
4) time left variable(&7525/7526)