work in progress...
One of the best exemple is the very active CPCWiki forum.

Forums will be sorted by main country, yet many would have dedicated sub-forums with different languages, google translation can help as well and quite always someone there may answer in English anyway.
You may also include older discontinued forums/links for historical and educationnal purpose and even add some contextual explanations. Also be kind to indicate links to main site (checkhow it is done already) or spin-offs such as facebook pages.
[hide]what's the use ?
One of the best way for hobbyists to get together and share they passion are Forums.
Forums are often attached to a main website and while they are supposed to be a by-product of the main website, they often become the main go-to for the Website.
There may also be some new tendencies for chats attached to forums/websites, and major's social networks such as Facebook or Tweeter are often home to dedicated pages, serving as de-facto forums.
Forums are often places for debate and actually quite a lot of scenes and dramas, resulting in peoples getting banned or leaving to go to other forums or even create/open their own Forum.
Forums are also more than often the starting points for most of modern homebrew projects on Amstrad CPC, be it to link coders and artists, have help by others or launch an idea.
Internationnal forums
- CPCWiki of course :
(yet it may be somewhat greek, has sub-forums in English, French and German (or is this Austrian ?)
English forums
- CPCZone (English) broken link / or pool is closed...
French forums
Most active part may be the chat room where Twitch Live are often relayed. Was previously known as Phenix Informatique (
Run by Hermol and covering CPC and PLUS in general.
- AmstradPLUS forum :
Run by AST, as the name implies it is dedicated to the Amstrad PLUS range but also CPC in general.
- AMSTRAD GX4000 FORUM (Discontinued) :
Was run by the Ghost of BDC-Iron.
- Push'N'Pop : discontinued.
This was a Demoscene oriented french forum/website, mostly in English.
German Vorümen
- (German) "the Pool is closed"... really should update this page guys...
Greek Agora
Spanish foros
Mostly in spanish. Their Facebook page
Australian speaking forums
- AC/PC ???
other somewhat exotic forums
(Don't know how to say that, sorry guys, not to be rude...)
Feel free edit and compelte this one... may add Facebook groups or things like that perhaps ?