CPC Reunion 2009
The CPC-Klassentreffen 2009 (CPC-Reunion 2009) will take place from the 29. May 2009 to 31.May 2009 in Erlangen, Germany. It will be one of the biggest CPC-Parties ever. And we will celebrate 25 years Amstrad CPC with a big big party!
[hide]What's it all about
Not only did the CPC groups keep dissolving quicker and quicker since the beginning of the 90s, but the contacts between CPC users broke off more and more. Now 25 years have gone past since the CPC era, and it seems appropriate to meet again.
We don't just mean a meeting of those CPC users who are still active, but we especially want to address the veterans who haven't done anything on the CPC for years, such as Groo, Weee, Thriller, BSC, DSC, K-OS, Crown, MTI, Section Jaguar, Marabu & Co. etc..
Of course normal users of the CPC and those who still work with the little 8-bitter are also most welcome to come to the CPC Reunion 2009.
Just why should I come?
Counterquestion: Why not? Most of us have met many nice people during our CPC times. Interesting, weird characters, cracking gurus and excellent coders. Scene celebrities and ambitious users... lots of different people - and you are one of them.
We're sure there are some people from your CPC times you'd like to see again to have a chat, exchange memories or just discuss the meaning of life with over a small beer or a coke. And others may just want to see you again. So take a weekend off and come to us to Erlangen! You'll meet old and young CPCers during a cozy party.
What does Erlangen have to offer?
Well... the CPC meeting coincides with the Bergkirchweih, a kind of Fair. It's comparable to the Cannstatter Wasen in Stuttgart or the Oktoberfest in Munich - but of course smaller and a lot nicer and cozier!
In the evening you'll be able to have a quiet sit-down and enjoy life and, possibly, one or three beers. During the day we'll chat and gossip. Those who want can watch CPC demos, have a spontaneous barbecue or keep an eye out for naked ladies in the swimming pool around the corner.
There really is no fixed schedule... "Come, have fun and be spontaneous" is the motto - which used to work pretty well for all previous CPC parties :-)
Is this going to cost anything?
Renting the place for the weekend and the food for barbecues, breakfast etc doesn't cost the world, but the greater part of the expenses that are going arise should really be covered by those attending the meeting.
Therefore the amount of expenses depends on how many people will come. The more we are, the cheaper it will be to participate. From experience we can tell you that the total amount per person is going to be between 20 and 30 Euros.
And just to make one thing clear: NO, there will be no student discounts on the entry fee or the beer :-)
More Informations in german about the CPC-Klassentreffen 2009 can be found at the Homepage: http://cpc.cmo.de. If you want to subscribe, just email to kangaroo - at - cpcszene - dot - de
- Blackbird
- Brainblaster
- CPC-Mike
- Doc Bartoc
- Dr.Zed
- Elmsoft
- Face Hugger
- Gert Genial
- Juggler
- Kangaroo MusiQue
- Mister X
- Nilquader
- Nurgle
- Octoate
- Odiesoft
- Odin
- Steffen
- Tolkin
- Villain
- Ythcal