Axys: The Last Battle
Axys: The Last Battle is a space shoot-'em-up that was published by the French magazine CPC Infos in 1991 in the form of a type-in listing. It is best known for being one of the longest type-ins ever published by an Amstrad CPC magazine – and perhaps by any computer magazine. It was programmed by the French demo coder Fefesse, with graphics by Stéphane Saint-Martin and music by Gregory Clement.
Readers who did not have the time or patience to type in the entire listing (a task that takes many hours) could order the game from CPC Infos on 3″ disc at a cost of 110 F for subscribers, or 140 F for non-subscribers, although this was only possible after the entire listing had been published.
Axys: The Last Battle was published over five issues of CPC Infos, starting from issue 29 (Février 1991) and finishing on issue 33 (Juin 1991). To give some idea of how large the listing is, here are some statistics:
- The total size of the 15 binary files that make up the game is 80,262 bytes (more than 78KB).
- The binary files occupy 92K of disc space.
- The programmes that generate the binary files occupy 306K of disc space.
- There are 5,362 lines of DATA statements to type in.
Axys: The Last Battle was reviewed in the April 1993 issue of Amstrad Action in its Public Image section for reviewing public domain software, where it scored an overall rating of 85%. However, Amstrad Action was unaware that Axys: The Last Battle was not public domain.
Note that 128KB of memory is required; the game will not work properly on machines with only 64KB of RAM.