
ESP Soft

133 bytes added, 19:57, 24 May 2017
Updated list of games and link to official web site
''Most of those games are have been released on cassette/Tapes.''
 *Columns *Gates to Hell *Phantomas Saga: Infinity *El Paciente 106 *Small Games for Smart Minds *Mariano the dragon Dragon in Capers in Cityland *BCM, El Buscador de Código *Nheredia *ILogicAlliLogicAll*Hora Bruja* Imaginario Colectivo*Arquimedes XXI *Imaginario Colectivo *TOTEMSTotems: Columns CPC 2* La Guerra de Gamber* Mansion Kali* El Prisionero / The Prisoner* Mansion Kali II* El Misterio de la Isla de Tökland* Dead by Dawn
* [ ESP Soft web site]
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